Avondale Road, Portsmouth, England | Daily Program: 08:00 - 21:30



The Refresh course supports our lifelong learning approach to driving. If you are an experienced driver, it may have been a long time since your took your driving test, and you may wish to ensure your standards do not slip over time.

We recommend this course to all conscientious drivers, new and experienced, who want to give themselves a driving β€œcheck-up”.



In this course we’ll refresh your memory of highway code rules and help you to get rid of any bad habits you may have developed over time. You will also be introduced to advanced driving skills you can start putting into practice right away.


Anyone with a full UK driving licence can take this course. Your trainer will begin the course with a short driving assessment before working with you to lower your risk and improve your technique.


Skills covered:

  • Implement defensive driving techniques
  • Produce a smoother drive
  • Lower your risk of an accident
  • Drive more economically


A A Manual Driving